About Us
A private sport performance & rehab business operated out of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Rebuild specializes in elite level end stage rehab and sport performance training. As well as providing online resources such as online rehab, online training, coaching education and consulting.
I am the owner Rebuild Performance & Rehab. For over a decade I worked in sport performance at the collegiate and professional level. With stops at the Arizona Cardinals, University of Pittsburgh, Mississippi State University, and Liberty University.

Rebuild was created in order to help as many people as possible. These consultation services are designed to help athletes, parents, coaches, and practitioners all around the world.
Using my experience to help you solve your problems. Then working together to create actionable solutions in an efficient manner.

Rebuild Performance & Rehab
Address: 2585 Freeport Rd Suite 110 Pittsburgh PA 15238
Email: rebuildperformancerehab@gmail.com
Phone: 605-881-4837

What Industry Leaders are saying about Rebuild
Anthony Piroli
Director of S&C
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Connor was an invaluable part of my team and I couldn’t be more excited for the hometown I love so much to have such a dedicated, and innovative professional with his approach to training and rehabilitation. Anyone at any level seeking top-notch services will undoubtedly benefit. I'm confident that rebuild and Connor will be a beacon of excellence for all of Pittsburgh!”
Henry Barrera
Director of S&C
Alabama Men's Basketball
“Connor Schoepp is a true professional with a deep passion for helping people, specifically athletes be the best they can be.
Sport and life is about building and rebuilding. Rebuild bridges the gap between rehab and performance. Rebuild is and will be a resource for me!”
Stephanie Mock Grubbs
MiLB Strength & Conditioning Coach
“Connor is an elite practitioner in our field! He has a wide variety of experiences in different sports from a strength and conditioning, sports science, and rehab background! He continues to push the envelope from a continuing education standpoint and is always bringing fresh and new ideas to push our field forward .”
Richard Guarascio
Associate Director of S&C
Notre Dame Football
“Connor is one of the best at taking high level training ideas and practically applying them not only in the rehab setting, but in the performance training setting. He has innovative approaches that maximize athlete performance and readiness.”